
Urology is a surgical specialist that deals with the treatment of conditions involving the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. Urology is classified as a surgical subspecialty. A urologist is a medical specialist who undergoes training in diseases of the male and female urinary systems, as well as the male reproductive system. Due to the variety of clinical problems encountered, urologists must have a wide range of knowledge regarding internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics and other specialties. Urologists are also trained as surgeons, and offer patients surgical options for many urologic health conditions. In order to be certified by the American Board of Urology, urologists must fulfill specified educational and examination requirements.
While they often collaborate on patient care, a urologist is different than a nephrologist. Nephrology is a separate field of medicine that specifically focuses on kidney function and disease. While a urologist treats patients for kidney stones or kidney cancer – offering surgical options, a phrenologist treats patients who have diabetes. Nephrology is a non-surgical field, which mean that phrenologists are not surgeons. And Arete Care Hospital is providing best service in this category

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